I recently came across this new-to-me game called Beat Bingo as I was perusing the Blitz Books website. The Beat Bingo Game instructions and cards are available as a free download. We decided to give it a try at our group class this month and we all had a great time with it! It’s a […]
New Free Find the Music Note Worksheet
Here’s the next installment in the simple worksheets I’m creating for my little 4-year old nephew – a Find the Right Music Note worksheet. You can download and print it for free to use it in your studio!
Custom Music Theory Worksheets in Seconds! Plus a Giveaway!
Have you ever wished you could create exactly what you needed music theory-wise on a worksheet for one of your students? Have you tried to design your own worksheets, but got hung up figuring out how to create a staff or get a piano keyboard onto your document? Well, look no further! MuStud is an […]
New Free Piano Worksheet
I’ve been teaching my little 4-year old nephew online piano lessons this year since he lives in another state. It’s amazing how quickly he’s picked up on various concepts, and whenever he comes to visit we get to do an in-person lesson where I can see just how much he’s learning! In light of that, […]
Educational Piano Music from Polish Composers
One of my favorite ways of learning about new or favorite piano music has historically been via attending showcases at conferences or workshops at our local music store. Since most of those opportunities have vanished in the last year, I was delighted to recently find out about a project of Podstrona Music that aims to […]
How Well Do You Know Your Piano Scales?
A recent video by the always creative Tim Topham features 20 Ways to Teach (or Play) Scales on the Piano: I’ve used a handful of these before, but especially like the idea of playing each scale with only one finger – for both theoretical purposes and to encourage the technique of weighted arms and whole […]