What age range do you think might be best for a beginning teacher? Or maybe I should rephrase that as, “Are there certain ages which you find significantly more challenging to instruct than other ages?” This one really made me think! There is a common misconception that it is less critical to have a good/professional/experienced, […]
Short Pictorial and Musical History of the Piano
One of the ladies on our committee for the planning of a piano festival next spring sent me the link to this short clip with pictures and music documenting the “Parentage of the Piano.” I actually got to see some of these instruments in person this summer when I visited the National Music Museum in […]
Monday Mailbag – New Release Clubs for Piano Teachers
I noticed in one of your blog entries that you mentioned that you get new release packages from various music companies. Is this available to other piano instructors? Yes. Several of the major music publishing companies offer new release clubs for piano teachers. I personally only subscribe to the FJH one, but I did a […]
Games from our September Surprise Blast Off Event
As I mentioned last Friday, we had a fabulous time with some fun games at our September Surprise! Here are some video clips and free downloadable files that you can use in your studios as well. (Refer to the Blast Off! post for game directions.) Tappers and Listeners Click here to download the list of […]
Monday Mailbag – Advice for a New Teacher
What would you say would be the best way for a new piano teacher to go about advertising for getting students? This isn’t in the hypothetical, I am thinking about beginning piano teaching. I’ve never done taught piano before so am a little intimidated by the whole idea. I realize that just because I can […]
Here’s a short video with a collection of news reports that aired eight years ago on September 11. HT: The Cloakroom Blog I can still remember the day vividly. Most of my students canceled lessons that day, but I did have a few that came, and we carried on the best we could. Everyone was […]