As I mentioned in yesterday’s Monday Mailbag post about Finding Time for Games, this week I’ll share some of the games that I’ve been using in my studio this year. This is a really simple game! First, have the student line up the key signatures in order from the least number of sharps or flats […]
Monday Mailbag – Finding Time for Games
I love all your games and ideas, but how do you incorporate games into your lessons? I feel like there’s hardly enough time to get through the books as is, especially when a recital or competition is coming up! Do you always fit a game in? Do you have 45-minute lessons? First off, yes, I […]
Piano Camp Lesson Plans and Free Student Workbook!
As long as I’m thinking about Piano Camp stuff, I thought I would run a special for anyone interested in purchasing the Lesson Plans for a fun week of Piano Camp! This is the one that I put together for last summer and my students and I had a great time! See lots of pictures […]
Thinking about Piano Camp…
Is anyone else starting to think about summer Piano Camp plans yet? Do you have any specific themes or ideas in mind? I’m tossing around the idea of maybe doing a theme with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. I would pattern it similar to the Carnival of the Animals Piano Camp that I did several […]
More about the Mastering the Mystery of Music Practice Incentive
I’ve received some questions about the latest practice incentive that I uploaded to the website, so I thought it would be helpful to give a few more details here for those interested in possibly using it in their studios. It’s called Mastering the Mystery of Music. This is the one I used with my students […]
New Piano Method by Helen Marlais
In the last New Release Club shipment from FJH there was a flier announcing a new piano method by Helen Marlais that will be available in March, 2010. I am thrilled! Helen Marlais’ books are all fabulous and I can’t wait to see what this new method is like! The two cover illustrations portrayed on […]