For some reason, some of my students really struggle with scale fingerings. I’ve been trying a variety of different tools to help them remember and master the fingerings. One of my students suggested placing diagrams in the back of the assignment books with fingerings for all the scales. I thought that was an excellent idea, […]
Recent YouTube Finds
Four-Piano Version of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons I love this! Since I’m still thinking about piano camp and contemplating a Four Seasons theme, this would be so fun to show my students. via Collaborative Piano Blog Flight of the Bumblebee Bet you’ve never heard it like that before! One of the presenters last week showed us […]
Virtual Field Trips
Last week, I received information about a website called Meet Me at the Corner that hosts virtual field trips for kids. What a fun idea! I’ve been perusing a few of the videos, and the quality of the content is quite impressive. From the director, “Meet Me at the Corner is a series of free […]
Monday Mailbag – Teaching Students with Disabilities
I was wondering if anyone has dealt with a student with arthritis before? My 8-year old student has severe arthritis and has trouble with pedaling and smooth wrist movements. I find it difficult to know how much to correct and how much to let go. Also, is this something I could notify a judge in […]
Learning Music Effectively Podcast
Michael Griffin, of the Music Education World website, is busily preparing for the release of another book. The topic is Learning Music Effectively, and with his wealth of experience and expertise, I’m sure this will be a great resource for music teachers and students alike! Get a glimpse into the contents of the book and […]
Ear Training Quiz
As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been thinking about doing a listening/music appreciation-based practice incentive theme next year. For that reason, I was especially interested when I received an e-mail a few weeks ago from alerting me to their site and the resources they offer. I’ve just perused the site briefly so far, but it […]