One of the things I discovered (quite to my surprise!) when I connected with people at the MTNA Conference this year is that many of the readers of this blog had formed certain ideas about who I am that are not quite in line with reality. 😉 For example, I found out that quite a […]
Pre-Piano Camp Ideas!
In addition to offering a regular summer piano camp for my students this year, like I’ve done for the past several years, I’m also planning to offer a pre-piano camp for 3-5 year olds. I’ve taught preschool music classes in a co-op setting before, but haven’t ever offered such a camp here in my studio. […]
Melodic Minor Scale Fingering Diagram Added
For those who missed it, I updated last week’s Free Piano Scale Fingering Diagrams post to include the melodic minor scales. Originally I didn’t create melodic minor scale fingering diagrams because I figured there wouldn’t be much demand for them. So much for that theory! Based on the feedback and requests I’ve received, I went […]
Monday Mailbag – Scale Blocks
Would you mind also explaining your step 1 of how you make the scale blocks – why you needed 12 of the first block and only 8 of the next ones? I’m sure there is a very simple explanation, but at this moment it is eluding me! This is in reference to the How to […]
Helpful Scale Resources
I guess I’m on a scale kick this week! One of my students asked me if I knew of any good on-line resources for scales that included an audio recording of the scale. She’s an aural learner, so it’s really helpful for her to hear what she should be playing. I did a bit of […]
And I thought I knew about all the best places for free teaching resources…
…well I was wrong! As I mentioned yesterday, in looking through some of the websites that teachers sent me, I found some really gems. One in particular merited an immediate subscription to the blog feed and a mental note to come back and peruse in more depth for some specific resources. If you haven’t seen […]