How do you teach beginners ¾ time without having them pause and feel the nonexistent beat four? No matter how often I waltz around the room or count out loud emphasizing the first beat or even play the song for them, they still hold beat three twice as long as it should be. I’m starting […]
Subscribe to the New Music Matters eNews!
Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to start a Music Matters eNews. I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while and when I decided to switch my Sibro Publishing newsletter over to Constant Contact last month, I thought it was time to move forward with this newsletter as well! I’m planning to […]
Monday Mailbag – Memorization Strategies
I have been pondering how to teach memorization to students who have a different learning style from me. I know exactly how I memorize, but if visualization is not working for one of my students what can I try? This is a great topic that I hope others will weigh in on as well! Most […]
Exploring a Galaxy of Music Practice Incentive is Now Available! (And you could win all the studio decorations!)
After doing some final work to tweak this and make it adaptable for any studio, I am happy to report that the Exploring a Galaxy of Music practice incentive program is now available! I know you’ve all been waiting with bated breath, right? 🙂 The downloadable package includes everything you need to successfully implement this […]
Monday Mailbag – Teaching Hymn Improvisation
I’d like to know how you teach students about hymn improvisation! Do you have any teaching ideas? Thanks a lot! This is one of those things that I heard other pianists do growing up and always wanted to learn, but never could figure out how to do it. Gradually, through the years as I asked […]
Monday Mailbag – Piano Camp Logistics
I’ve perused your piano camp lesson plans and student workbook. They’re all very well done. I have some questions for you: 1) How do you schedule piano camp amidst summer private lessons? 2) What hours do you run the camp? 3) Are students able to take only a part of the camp and still know […]