I’ve never been a competition teacher. Whether it’s because I never participated in competitions growing up or because of some of the negative aspects I’ve observed in those who compete, I just haven’t seen them as having much value. But thanks, in part, to a workshop I attended this past summer at our state conference, […]
Monday Mailbag – Finger Strengthening
I have a young student with whom I’ve been working on strengthening his fingers. I thought that Hanon exercises may help, but I’m increasingly finding that he is very tense – shoulders, elbows, wrists, and all! And that is really interfering with his progress. Do you have any recommendations? It is such a challenge to […]
An Easy Way to Explain Monthly Tuition
When I first started teaching about 12 years ago I charged for lessons the only way I knew how – per lesson. It soon became apparent that this arrangement would not work for me long-term. Attendance at lessons was too sporadic, bookkeeping was a headache, and my monthly income was unpredictable. Eventually I settled on […]
4 Tips for Making the Most of the World Wide Web Before it Gets the Best of You!
There are so many wonderful websites, blogs, and new resources popping up on the Internet every day that it’s hard to keep up with everything! And I don’t think I’m the only one who feels that way, right? 🙂 Do you ever find that you’re so overloaded with inspiration and ideas as you click from […]
Studio Business Cards
Joy’s recent post, “Studio Business: Making a Memorable Impression” reminded me that I was going to show you all my new business cards! Several months ago, I came across a post on the Business Opportunities blog about a business card redesign contest being sponsored by Moo.com. I’d been wanting to redesign my cards for quite […]
5 For Fun! Games and Activities for the Private Piano Lesson Now Available!
This has been a long time coming, but I was finally motivated to push through and finish this project in time for a workshop I gave recently to our local music teachers association! Announcing: 5 for Fun! Games and Activities for the Private Piano Lesson. (See below for a special discount code!) Over the years, […]