A couple weeks ago, our pastor at church shared a portion of a quote that caught my attention. I jotted it down and looked it up when I arrived home. It is attributed to British historian, Arnold J. Toynbee. I’ve been thinking about it off and on since then in relation to teaching and thought […]
Monday Mailbag – Free Scale and Chord Progress Chart
I’m a bit confused on the metronome settings on your free scale and chord chart – a quarter and an eighth note side by side, same tempo? What’s the difference between (two) eighths at MM-60 and a quarter at MM-120? Also, regarding chords, do you mean each chord and its respective inversions within each key? […]
Piano Keyboard Labels – a Must-Have Resource!
It’s been a while since I first discovered these piano keyboard labels on Susan Paradis’ fabulous website, but they are a must-have resource in my studio! a href=”http://www.susanparadis.com/keyboard-labels/”> I especially love using them with beginning students. They are such a simple, handy tool to have on hand. Just stick them on the student’s assignment sheet […]
Commitment to Innovation
In the latest issue of the American Music Teacher magazine, a publication of the Music Teachers National Association for its members, I found a couple statements by Executive Director Gary Ingle to be quite thought-provoking: “I believe the next 15 years will be the most challenging in our history and will require more commitment to […]
Monday Mailbag – How to Cover the Cost of Studio Incentives
For the Traveling to Triumph auction, did you collect the souvenirs yourself, enlist parents, or what? When I first started developing yearly practice incentive themes (visit this post for a list of some of the earlier themes that aren’t available in the resource store), I just charged families $10 for the student assignment book and […]
8 Tips for Music Recording
Gerald Klickstein, author of The Musician’s Way, never ceases to come up with inspirational and practical ideas for musicians. In his post, Practicing for Recording Sessions, he gives 8 concise, practical tips for a successful recording studio experience. Even though most of our students won’t be involved in such a formal recording experience, his points […]