For the conclusion of our practice incentive theme, Beat the Pirates!, this year, I hosted a celebration party. All the students converged on our house for a couple of hours last night and we spent the time… …going through the line of pizza toppings… …meticulously selecting just the right toppings for each personal pan-sized pizza… […]
Group Class Ideas
Get the Entire Mayron Cole Piano Method for Free!
I’ve heard about the Mayron Cole piano method for years, but never looked into it that much. However, I just received word a couple of weeks ago that in celebration of her retirement, Mayron is making her piano method available for free to anyone who wants it! There are textbooks for Level Pre-1 through Level […]
Three Fun Rhythm-Related Stations for Piano Group Class
In keeping with our Beat the Pirates! practice incentive theme this year, we are incorporating rhythm activities into each of our monthly group piano classes. This week’s group class turned out to be quite the hit! I set up three stations and placed the students in pairs, then they rotated through each station. Here’s a […]
Free Downloadable Rhythm Cards and Game Idea
One of my studio go-to’s for an easy, educational game for group classes is Team Rhythm Dictation. The students are split into two teams and are given a set of individual rhythmic note cards to use. (Click here to download a free set of individual note cards to use in your studio.) The barlines are […]
Pianissimo Courses Offers Teach Preschool Music Course!
One of the best things I ever did in my studio was implement monthly group classes that are open to all students in addition to their regular lesson for that week. These monthly gatherings have done wonders to build camaraderie in my studio and give students myriad experiences to help build their confidence as performers. […]
And We’re Off…with the September Surprise!
As has been our tradition for many years, we launched our new year of piano lessons last weekend with the September Surprise! Each returning student had a piece ready to perform for the rest of us we played a fun rhythm get-to-know-you game (in keeping with our rhythm theme for the year!), and we had […]