The May edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival will be hosted right here on Music Matters Blog. For those unfamiliar with the term, a blog carnival is a collection of posts from around the blogosphere related to a particular theme or subject. The carnival host compiles all submitted posts and presents them in a […]
Free Sacred Piano Duet – In Christ Alone
One of my graduating students asked me if we could play a duet together at her graduation/senior recital. She was especially interested in a duet of In Christ Alone. Well, after searching for such a duet extensively, we finally decided that the only way we were going to come up with something we really liked […]
Earn Swagbucks Just By Searching the Web
I’ve been hearing about Swagbucks for a while now, and finally decided to check it out in more detail. (A friend of mine has been using this for several months now and loves it!) It was a piece of cake to sign up! Then all you have to do is download their search toolbar to […]
Free Pre-Reading Arrangement of Come Christians, Join to Sing
If you’re not already a regular reader of Susan Paradis’ Teacher Resources blog, you really should be! She has all sorts of wonderful worksheets and game ideas. Check out this great little pre-reading arrangement she just posted of Come Christians, Join to Sing. I’m always looking for more good music options for those pre-reading students. […]
Music Creation Using Audacity
Two of the most popular posts here on Music Matters Blog are the ones that discuss how to set up a recording “studio” using the free Audacity audio recording software (you can read these here and here). I’ve used Audacity for numerous projects, but I know I still haven’t even come close to tapping into […]
Review of Modern Harmony Methodology
Michael Griffin, author of Music and Keyboard in the Classroom and developer of the helpful website Music Education World has produced another great resource for music teachers and students. His newest book, Modern Harmony Methodology, describes itself as being “of value to all students of composition and musical arrangement, and also to classically trained pianists […]