The other day, I happened across the new Color In My Piano blog, which has some great resources for music teachers. In particular, though, I was fascinated to learn about the Classic Cat website, a compilation of free mp3’s of Classical music from across the web. I’m already having a great time searching for (and […]
Piano Camp – A Game and Final Performances!
For our final day of Piano Camp, I decided to switch things up just a little and play a game to start off the lesson. Since we were focusing on relative keys today, I printed off a copy of my Major Minor Scale Matchup Worksheet on cardstock and then cut it into rectangles with one […]
Piano Camp – Ensembles!
Continuing with the Piano Camp theme for the week, here are a few pictures from another one of our daily activities – ensemble playing! I played through a whole stack of ensemble repertoire last week looking for the perfect combinations for the group of students attending Piano Camp this week. We allocoate about 15-20 minutes […]
50 Open Courseware Collections for Musicians
I guess this is the week for lists of 50! Here’s another great collection – 50 Open Courseware Collections for Musicians. This is a list of places where you can find free on-line music classes and resources. From organ workshops to a course on the Physics of Sound to learning to play the cello, there […]
50 Music Practice Websites
Mike Saville, of the excellent How to Practise website, recently compiled a great list of 50 Websites that will Improve your Music Practice. This is definitely a page worth bookmarking and passing on to students!
I’m Dreaming…Of Becoming a Great Musician
Some of the wonderful folks over at asked me to write a guest post for their blog. Although the site is primarily geared toward guitar enthusiasts, they wanted something that would be applicable to all musicians. Thus was composed, I’m Dreaming…Of Becoming a Great Musician: Some things in life occur instantaneously. Learning to play […]