Sarah, over at the Piano Discoveries Blog, recently posted some fabulous Major and Minor Arpeggio Keyboard Fingering Diagrams! Ever since I started using the scale fingering diagrams with my students (which we use very extensively now!), I’ve been thinking about designing something similar for arpeggios. However, I am thrilled that Sarah has done just that, […]
Who Says Movie Music Can’t Be Virtuosic?!
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook the other day, and it is SO cool! I’ve watched it multiple times already and have had fun exploring Jarrod Radnich’s website. I also found a link to an interview with Jarrod that I’m looking forward to listening to soon! I sent the link to the video […]
Fun Ear Training Song for Young Students
Even though I don’t have a super good ear when it comes to music, I do know that quite a few years of being in choirs and taking voice lessons has helped develop a better ear than I would have had otherwise. I’m always interested in incorporating singing elements into our lessons, but sometimes it’s […]
Creative Ways to Practice Scales
Ever since discovering Hanon online a couple months ago (and reading Heidi’s comment about how invigorating she finds a round of Hanon to start off her practicing each day!), I’ve been inspired anew to put more emphasis on technique – for myself and my students. I’ve been doing a variety of Hanon – in C […]
Review and Giveaway of Talent to Treasure by Marcia Washburn
A second-generation piano teacher with many years of experience, Marcia Washburn sets out to help aspiring music teachers get started on the right foot in her book, Talent to Treasure: Building a Profitable Music Teaching Business. Many of the tips and principles she shares are ones that I had to learn the hard way! Although […]
Thinking about starting a blog? Read this first!
The other day I came across a post on the Social Media Examiner website titled, 17 Ways to Grow Your Blog from Top Bloggers. Although the title suggests that it is for those who already have blogs and want to increase their readership, the tips offered are wonderful for those thinking about launching a blog. […]