Is anyone else here ready for summer? I’m focusing on finishing the semester strong, but I confess that I am counting down the days until summer break! For me this will mean a break from regular piano lessons, a break from homeschooling, a break from teaching writing classes, and time to read and garden and […]
Thousands of Free Clip Art Sets!
I’ve been familiar with Teachers Pay Teachers for a long time, but just decided to try setting up my own store there not long ago. Even though I’ve just barely tapped into all that they have to offer, I’ve enjoyed receiving their weekly email that features an educator and highlights 10 free resources. One of […]
Free Covid Blessing Piano Sheet Music
Composer Lynette Sawatsky has written a lovely intermediate piano solo based on a creative Covid-themed motif and it’s available for free in her store at the Top Music Marketplace. I have a student who is especially into coming up with chord progressions for her own improvising and composing, so I’m excited for her to explore […]
More Free Piano Flashcards
After my recent post about sites with free piano flashcards, Music Matters Blog reader Ann sent me an email with a link to another fabulous page full of free piano flashcards! It had been a long time since I’d been to Jennifer’s Pianimation website, so I was thrilled for the reminder of all the great […]
Thousands of Free Music Rhythm Backing Tracks!
After being alerted by a reader that the free rhythm backing track that I used for this fun Rhythm Clock activity was no longer available, I did some searching to find an alternative. Turns out perhaps the discontinuation of the afore-mentioned track might be a blessing in disguise because I just came across the motherlode […]
My Most Exciting Discovery This Year!
Years ago (I don’t even remember how or where now!), I came across some piano sheet music by a composer named Will Baily. I printed off a few of my favorites and put them in a turquoise folder in my file cabinet. That folder is a go-to when I’m looking for a simple piece to […]