SPOILER: Be sure to read to the final paragraph for an awesome giveaway opportunity of a 1-year Pro Subscription to PlayScore 2! A musician who can scan a piece of music and hear the music playing in their head is employing a skill known as audiation. Now we have an app that provides the technological […]
Look Out for Low Notes Music Book for Kids is Here!
A couple of years ago I had the privilege of reviewing what has become my favorite kids book about music: Here Come the High Notes. It was the first in a series of books by Marin Marka of FableNotes, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting her second book ever since. Well, I’m thrilled to announce that […]
New O Holy Night Early Intermediate Piano Duet
In the process of going through and decluttering my music files, I came across folders full of various arrangements I’ve written for students over the years. They were inspired by specific students who had favorite pieces they wanted to play – often for our big Christmas recital – and/or combinations of students, levels, and instruments […]
Pre-Order Jane Magrath’s New Book – Piano Literature for Teaching and Performance
When I first began teaching piano over 20 years ago, one of the first books that landed on my shelf of must-have piano teaching reference material was Jane Magrath’s Pianist’s Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Literature. It was my go-to as students moved into intermediate level playing and I wanted to be sure to […]
ArrangeMe – A Platform for Publishing and Selling Your Own Compositions and Arrangements
Many years ago one of my 7-year old boy students was dying to play the theme of The Last of the Mohicans on the piano. The problem? He was still in the first half of the Piano Adventures primer level, so there was no way he could make sense of any of the sheet music […]
My Latest Greatest Teaching Gadget – Dry Erase Dice
I didn’t know exactly how I was going to use them when I saw them the other day, but I just couldn’t pass up this pair of dry erase dice! As I told my sister the other day, you know you’re in trouble when you see something cool when you’re out shopping and you stand […]