Here’s a handy little Composer Search where you can search by the composer’s name and then by compositions for a particular instrument. Each composition is linked to a piece of sheet music or a book that you can purchase from this site. This is a great way to track down printed music for a specific […]
CD Recording Made Easy
If you have a Yamaha Clavinova in your studio, you can practically set up your own recording studio! (If you don’t have a Clavinova, check out this post for instructions on how to set up recording with your acoustic instrument.) I just recently found out how to connect the Clavinova into my computer so that […]
List Your Studio For Free!
Through another teacher I just became aware that Yahoo! offers free business listings! Their basic listing even includes a free 5-page website that looks like it would work great for a teacher who just wants to make basic information about their studio available on-line. Their web-based wizard makes creation of the site easy for even […]
We Interrupt This Post Series…
Just wanted to interject a little sidenote. With some information I received at the MTNA Conference, I came across several other music-related blogs and have listed them on my right sidebar. I’ve perused them briefly, but not extensively. However, I wanted to make you aware of their presence. If you know of any other music […]
An Impromptu Group Class
Since I’ll be taking off of teaching next week to attend the MTNA Conference, I planned to stick to my regular teaching schedule this week, even though it was spring break for most of my students. I had consented to giving a few lessons Monday morning for several students that would be going out of […]
Multimedia Music Dictionary
Check out this amazing Multimedia Music Dictionary that I was recently referred to by another teacher. It was developed by students at Virginia Tech last year. Thousands of words include not only the definition, but also a pronunciation guide and an audio clip so you can hear what the word sounds like. (I’m sure I […]