The Young People’s Concert series put on by our Wichita Symphony Orchestra featured Billy and the Carnival this fall. I had never heard the piece before, but it’s a wonderful, fun musical work! Here’s an excerpt from the concert this morning:
Listen and Love
Carnegie Hall Live 2012-2013 Season Begins Tonight
Interested in catching a Carnegie Hall concert but can’t quite make the trip to New York City for the occasion? No problem! After last year’s success, Carnegie Hall Live returns this year so that you can listen to twelve world class concerts from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s performance […]
Check Out the 24-Hour Kids Classical Internet Radio Channel
Classical New England has launched a 24-hour Kids Classical Channel with classical music programs specially designed for kids. I was listening to it for a while the other day and caught a broadcast of “The Instruminute” – a short clip of music and information about a musical instrument. This was followed by a rousing performance […]
Spotify – The Best New Online Teaching Resource Since YouTube!
What do you get when you merge the instant accessibility of YouTube with the interface of iTunes with the music library of the whole internet? Spotify! I had heard rumblings about Spotify for a while, but recently decided to check it out. I kid you not when I say this has now become my personal […]