As I was working on a project this evening, I stumbled across this site that has a variety of music bingo cards. In the music category, they have: Famous Composers, Musical Instruments, Notation, and Orchestral Instruments. Just download the Bingo Printer software and you can immediately start using the pre-programmed selections. However, for $21.95 you […]
Game Ideas
This Week in Photos
Whack It! This was Emily’s third week of lessons and we were drilling the names of the keys on the piano. She really struggled with this last week, so I had come up with this Whack It! game to play during her lesson. However, she had worked so hard during the week that she bumped […]
This Week in Photos
I’m thinking of starting a new weekly post idea…throughout the week I’ll take pictures of various activities and lessons in my studio and then on Friday I’ll put up a post with a couple of favorite pictures. What do you think? Since I’m leaving tonight for our annual state music teachers conference, I’ll post this […]
September Surprise!
Several years ago I started the tradition of holding a September Surprise! event as the kick-off for the new school year. I hold it sometime the week of Labor Day and then officially resume lessons the following week. The point is for students to practice and prepare a piece and then surprise me with it. […]
Music Games and Activities Links Page for Students
I thought I would let you know that I created a separate page with all the links I listed in my post, Links Galore for Music Games, Quizzes and Activities! I wanted to provide an easy way for my students to access the various music games and activities during the week without having to type […]
Links Galore for Music Games, Quizzes and Activities!
This year, the theme for my studio is Mastering the Mystery of Music. I was planning to develop a full-fledged computer lab for my students, but decided to start with something a little less formal and see how it goes for the first year. I’m giving each student the option of signing up for 15 […]