The best musicians are truly inspiring. They evoke strong feelings through their playing. One of my favourite things is to listen to artists I admire and try to emulate the way they play or compose. You can learn so much from the way they express themselves in note placement, note selection, rhythmic patterns, and technique. […]
And the Winner Is…
Kori! Congrats, Kori! You won the drawing and will be receiving a free symphony flexi-clip! Thanks to all who participated. Feel free to visit Jackie’s website where you can get your own symphony flexi-clip!
The Best Way to Motivate Students
My husband shared this quote with me the other day and I thought it was very relevant to teaching students and learning to play an instrument: “Action never follows motivation…It’s the other way around. When you act, motivation inevitably follows.” I’ve seen over and over again that when students (or I!) make practicing a discipline […]
The Perfect Assignment Sheet for Piano Students
Somehow I just came across this fabulous compilation of free downloadable assignment sheets that Amy Chaplin, of the Piano Pantry blog, has either created or adapted! Even though I always create custom assignment books that correlate with our practice incentive theme for the year, I absolutely love the variety of ideas that Amy incorporates into […]
Review and Giveaway of the Flexi Symphony Clip
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a far cry from a fashionista. My hairstyle and accessory choices are driven by whatever takes me the least time in the morning (because there are so many things I would rather do than spend time fixing my hair!). So when Jackie Adams, a Lilla Rose […]
The Speedy Scale Game for Piano Students!
As I mentioned last week, I love to incorporate a variety of games to reinforce and evaluate music theory concepts with my students. This week we tried a Speedy Scale game to help students develop visual-spatial skills (they weren’t allowed to look at the piano keyboard, but had to visualize it in their mind) and […]