#8 – Cathy – You won the drawing and will receive a free copy of Rebekah Maxner’s new piano book, Rock the Boat! For everyone else, Rebekah has generously set up a special page where you can order Rock the Boat for 20% off the regular price. Just be sure to head over there this […]
Teaching From the Wall – Save 20%!
Over the years I’ve been amazed at how much my students have gleaned in music theory knowledge just from the walls of my studio! For a long time, I had the Discover Music set of posters (which sadly appears to be unavailable anymore…) in the waiting area outside my studio and during lessons students would […]
Review and Giveaway of Rock the Boat by Rebekah Maxner
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Whoever “they” is. However, if you did so in regards to Rebekah Maxner’s newest piano book for early elementary students, Rock the Boat, you’d be justified. Every piece is as delightful as the colorful illustration on the cover suggests! The student parts are truly simple […]
A New Venture – Hammock in the Woods
Ever since I was a little girl playing “travel agency” in the basement with my sisters, I’ve had a fascination with learning about and visiting places all across the globe. In those days we had no internet, so we contacted Convention and Visitors Bureaus across the country requesting copies of their latest magazines until our […]
September Surprise is a World of Fun!
In keeping with this year’s World of Wonder practice incentive theme, I planned our annual piano studio kickoff (a.k.a. September Surprise!) with a world theme. Even the parents had a great time putting their world knowledge to use as we played rounds of a game where they had to alternately identify a landmark (or its […]
Musicality Now Podcast Founder Christopher Sutton Shares an Important Reminder
Two years ago Christopher Sutton launched The Musicality Podcast, which has recently become Musicality Now. In this episode on Your Codex and Creativity he shares an important reminder from a book excerpt we discussed on the interview I did with him a couple of years ago. In his book, The Piano Shop on the Left […]