Ever since Tim Topham took the online music education world by storm a number of years ago, he’s been building a massive hub of resources for music teachers around the world. Tomorrow he is offering a free music business webinar for teachers who are looking for ways to diversify their income and generate revenue through […]
CALLING ALL PARENTS or TEACHERS OF TEEN GIRLS 12-17!!!!! – Guest Post by Laura Dowding
If you are a parent or teacher of a young teen girl between the ages of 12 – 17, and your child likes music, this is for you!! My name is Laura and I am a singer, songwriter, producer and teacher from a small town in Rhode Island. Growing up I was shy, awkward, and […]
Teaching Transfer Piano Students – Part Two
One of the most helpful practices that I’ve implemented in my studio is conducting interviews with prospective new piano students and their parents. This is the second element of my self-weeding-out process (for lack of a better term!). The first is that I send them to my studio website and email them a copy of […]
Planning for Piano Camp!
Is anyone else experiencing Spring Fever yet? I’m itching to be outside working in my garden… (Truth be told I couldn’t wait any longer, so I planted several dozen seeds that I’m hoping I can nurture in their temporary egg carton dwellings until the danger of the last frost passes and I can transplant them. […]
Teaching Transfer Piano Students – Part One
Many years ago I walked into the piano studio of a new teacher, having recently realized that my years of piano lessons had left numerous gaps to which I was oblivious. Participating in a nation-wide music event as a high schooler had revealed this shocking truth to me and I was eager to make up […]
Jerald Simon Launches Weekly Friday Freebie Giveaway
You probably know Jerald Simon as the Cool Songs for Kids (over 200 now!) composer. That’s how I first became introduced to his work. He is always producing more material than I can keep up with, but I was excited to see that during the month of March he is offering a weekly free giveaway […]