One of the upsides to the pandemic has been the plethora of webinars that are now available frequently throughout the year. What a great way to continue our education as music teachers from the comfort and convenience of our own homes! Another perk of many of the webinars is that if you register to attend, […]
And the Winner Is…
# 15 – Denise Dent. Congratulations for winning the Ad Astra studio practice incentive theme prize package! You’ll receive an email from me so that I can get your mailing address and send you the studio decor for the Ad Astra studio practice incentive theme. For everyone else, if you’re interested in trying Ad Astra […]
Win a Free Studio Practice Incentive Theme Plus Decor – worth over $100!
It’s that time of year again…time for a complete studio practice incentive theme giveaway, including the decor from my studio and extra supplies from this past year. Each practice incentive theme is designed to be used for an entire school year by students of all ages and levels. The students in my studio vet them […]
Free Sight Reading and Multi-key Reading Workshop for Elementary Students by Keith Snell
Be sure to check out the free workshop that Kjos Music is offering by Keith Snell on the topic of Sight Reading and Multi-key Reading for Elementary Students. There is an August 10 option and an August 17 option, so you can register for whichever one works better for you. You can also email Kjos […]
In One Ear and Out the Other: 3 Keys to Teaching Music Theory to Students
The Colourful Keys blog recently posted a guest article from me highlighting a rather embarrassing discovery I made when I was a high school piano student and then three keys I’ve learned for teaching music theory effectively to my own students since then. You can check it out by clicking on the image below. And […]
Highlights from a Week of Piano Camp
It’s impossible to capture all the emotion and energy of a week of piano camp in a video, but I love putting together a highlight video as a reminder to the students and myself of the great week we had together. Here’s our highlight video from last week’s piano camp, To Russia with Mussorgsky and […]