In preparing for piano camp this year, I searched far and wide to find a full-sized piano keyboard that I could use for some music theory games and activities. The few options that I found were much more than I wanted to pay, so I decided to see if I could create a simple printable […]
It’s Piano Camp Planning Time!
Is anyone else starting to think about and make plans for summer yet? One of our favorite studio events of the year is summer piano camp. I started holding piano camps many years ago as a way of changing up piano lessons during the summer. We’ve done a wide variety of camp themes over the […]
A Vision for Artistic Scales in the Piano Studio
It’s been quite a few years since I first read and reviewed Gerald Klickstein’s insightful book, The Musician’s Way, but it still stands out as one of the most inspirational and practical books in the music industry on the subject of practicing and performing. His bi-monthly newsletter still consistently delivers numerous interesting and useful links. […]
Free Piano Sheet Music for Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals
Anyone who’s been around here for a while knows that I’m a huge fan of Carnival of the Animals. I’ve used it as the theme for a regular summer piano camp for my students and also for the Piano Expeditions piano camp – To France with Saint-Saëns and His Carnival. Even before that, I used […]
Review of Extreme Heterophony by John Pitts
When composer John Pitts contacted me about reviewing his newest book, Extreme Heterophony: a study in javanese gamelan, I was intrigued for two reasons. Not, mind you, because I had any idea what it was about! But because, firstly, there has been an increased effort in the music education community to explore more diversity in […]
A New Year’s Sale!
To celebrate the commencement of 2022, everything in the Music Matters Blog store is on sale! Just use the code NY22 to receive 20% off your entire order. You may want to get a head start on piano camp ideas for this summer, liven up your lessons with some fun 5-minute games, or launch a […]