It’s done! Hooray! My new studio website is now live! (If for some reason your browser shows my old site, just refresh the page.) I still have some areas that I want to improve a bit, but everything appears to be in working order and ready to go. I am so excited and look forward […]
And the Winner Is…
Beth! Congratulations! You will receive a package containing a collection of studio supplies so you can hold your own An Italian Intrigue. Hope you all enjoy the adventure!
Last Day to Win!
Just a quick reminder that today is the last day to win the full set of studio supplies for the An Italian Intrigue practice incentive theme. If you’re looking for a way to save money and time putting together a fun incentive for your studio, this travel-themed adventure might be just the thing! 🙂 Just […]
A Peek Into My New Studio Website
One of my big projects this summer has been developing a new studio website. The old one has served me well, and was the impetus for me getting into web design in the first place. But it’s been sadly out-dated for quite a few years now, and I’ve been wanting to get a new one […]
Understanding Students with Dyslexia
Ever since attending the fabulous MTNA workshop session, “The Inclusion of Students With Disabilities in the Music Studio” by Beth Bauer and Scott Price, I have been more intrigued by and eager to learn about teaching students with disabilities. I have had students with various disabilities and learning difficulties over the years, but I have […]
Delight-Directed Piano Lessons
As part of both the home education community and the music education community, I have benefited from a wide variety of teaching philosophies and resources. I love reading and learning from dedicated educators, and considering how I can implement their ideas in my own teaching. Yesterday, I came across a brief, but insightful, article by […]