Buying a piano is not as dissimilar as we think to buying a car. Before we want to hand over a large amount of money to a car dealer, we would want to fully inspect the goods, test it out and make sure it is as described. This is the mindset we should have with […]
A Treasure Trove of Tabs OR Random Links Galore
I am notorious for accumulating a bazillion open tabs in my browser of interesting articles, products I want to check out, things I’m researching, or ideas I want to revisit. Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but as of this moment I have 72 active tabs. So I decided it’s time to […]
Thinking of Teaching Via Skype or Facetime or Other Long Distance Avenues?
It’s been over two years now since I taught my first Skype lesson, and I absolutely LOVE having technology that allows for such incredible flexibility and opportunity for teachers and students alike. I have some full-time long-distance students, and multiple times every semester I use Skype or Facetime to teach students on vacation or who […]
Monday Mailbag – How to Incorporate Student Options Into Practice Incentives
What did you mean when you said a good practice incentive should include student options? One of the primary purposes of a practice incentive is to motivate students to practice. And what better way to do that than to let them choose what they are going to practice? As teachers, we have to tap into […]
Born to Deliver is Ready for Delivery!
After nearly two years of work, I’m thrilled to report that Born to Deliver is hot off the press and ready to make its way into the hands of millions of readers throughout the world! 🙂 Check out the Born to Deliver website to read the first chapter, find out more about the book, read […]
Free Music, Film, and Audio Engineering Courses On-line
Thanks to Music Matters Blog reader Victoria Shaw for alerting me to this collection of free on-line courses from Coursera on the topics of music, film, and audio engineering! In addition to music and education, I am also fascinated by the world of film and drama and writing. There are so many parallels in the […]