I want my students to feel an internal beat; it seems that any kind of external beat (counting, tapping, metronome, etc.) can be “warped” or ignored while concentrating on note location, etc. But, I’m having trouble with some students who never seem to get it (it doesn’t matter what song it is). When approaching a […]
Friday Film Find
If you like British accents and easy-to-understand explanations, you’ll love this “What is Music Theory” video by David Rees (a.k.a. Dave Conservatoire)! HT: Christopher Sutton at Easy Ear Training
Are You a Diametrically Opposed Teacher?
A couple nights ago I presented my workshop, Creativity on the Cutting Edge, to a music teachers association. In so doing, I was reminded of this wonderful statement about the teaching method of Theodor Leschetizky in an article about him in the September/October 2012 issue of American Music Teacher: “The great quality of Leschetizky was […]
[How to] Expand Your Teaching Practice Online – A Guest Post by Phil Amalong
It is now second nature to turn to search engines like Google and Bing to find just about anything. Guess what? Your potential students (and their parents) are searching for a music teacher online right this minute. There are over 1 million music-learning-related searches every month on Google alone! There’s a growing wave of music […]
Theory Strips – An Ingenious Idea!
At the MTNA Conference I had the privilege of meeting Bonnie Slaughter, the creator of this ingenious approach to theory. I like to think of it as the text messaging approach to music theory. 🙂 Theory Strips are a 10-level program that organize music theory concepts into strips that can easily be completed one day […]
More 2013 MTNA Conference Notes
We should be back to the Monday Mailbag feature next week, but for this week, I thought I would direct you to several other teachers who have blogged about the conference: Jennifer Foxx, of Foxx Piano Studio Resources, took notes on a number of the sessions that I didn’t get to, so check out her […]