We finished up a wonderful year of piano lessons and this year’s theme – C2: Igniting the Power Within! – was ton of fun! C2 is designed to emphasize the equal importance of developing character and competence to be a successful musician. It incorporates a rating system for each assignment and the overall lesson attitude […]
Year End Awards Ceremony and Piano Recital
For the conclusion of our C2 practice incentive theme this year, we had a special awards ceremony in conjunction with a studio recital this Monday evening. We began the evening with a couple rounds of Musical Wheel of Fortune, then moved into student performances. Levi performs “Little Robot” Daniel performs his own arrangement of Viva […]
Want Students to Advance More Quickly and Have a More Solid Foundation?
Growing up my Dad always told me that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” That truism has served me well, but there are always a few exceptions. And this is one of them. It’s been a while since I first wrote about my foray into Piano Safari (ok, so it’s […]
Creativity on Heart and Soul
Have you ever had a student come into their lesson thrilled to show you the new song that their friend just taught them? Only to discover that it’s at the top of every piano teacher’s list of Most Disliked Songs? You know which one I’m talking about, don’t you? Yup. Heart and Soul. But, as […]
Introducing…the Shlap!
I love it when my students put their creative juices to work to come up with something innovative! Check out this new musical symbol that Stephanie devised:
New Sample Pages Added to the Store!
Many of you have requested the ability to see sample pages of the piano Practice Incentive Theme Packages and the Piano Camp Lesson Plans, so I’m excited to report that you can now view samples of every product available in the Music Matters Blog Store! I know many of you are busy getting ready for […]