With the overwhelming amount of information available on the internet, it’s easy for great sites to slip through the cracks or as new resources become available. Since I’ve been going back through a bunch of music resource links and updating them (for the Mastering the Mystery of Music practice incentive theme), I recently came back […]
Free Downloadable Resources for Piano Teachers and Students
I’ve been updating the extensive list of Mastery Challenge Resources that are included in the Mastering the Mystery of Music (thanks to Tammy for bringing some of the broken links to my attention!) and rediscovered the Resources section of the Piano Technicians Guild website. There is both a Piano Teacher Resource section and a Piano […]
The Musicality Podcast Reaches 100th Episode!
Do you remember when Musical U announced the launch of their Musicality Podcast less than a year ago? It was fun to be part of their inaugural episode, and I was surprised when they recently contacted me to let me know they were getting ready to air their 100th episode, Unlocking Your Musicality! I guess […]
Sylvia Showcases Beat the Pirates!
Our local music teachers association recently held our annual planning meeting and brunch. (As an aside, becoming a member of Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and our state and local affiliates is one of the best decisions I ever made as a music teacher. There is nothing quite like real life relationships to provide camaraderie […]
Attend a Free Webinar on Piano Practice
Have you ever launched into a new school year full of enthusiasm and carefully planned goals for your students only to have your expectations dashed to pieces by a sheepish admission that they didn’t practice at all? You wonder if their lack of effort is a harbinger of the year to follow. Will it be […]
“The earliest moving image of an orchestra where you can hear them play”
What year do you think fits the above description? An orchestra captured on film with full audio? Thanks to the devoted efforts of the New York Philharmonic first archivist and historian, there is an extensive archive of incredible memorabilia preserved from the orchestra’s founding in 1842! A recent article in the NY Times highlights ten […]