After several years of tossing around the idea of offering preschool piano camp/classes, this year I finally decided to give it a go! It’s in “Beta testing” this week, but I’m super excited to introduce you to: Piano Expeditions! I have five students between the ages of 3.5 and 7 who are participating this week. […]
World of Wonder Piano Practice Incentive Theme is Hot Off the Press!
We’ve just wrapped a wonderful year of world travel (in spite of the stay-home orders for the last two months that forced us to finish up the year virtually!) in our studio. As a part of our journey, each student completed 40 Destination Pieces, memorized many vocabulary words, developed greater technical acumen with scales and […]
Learn Piano (or any instrument) Like a Genius
When Christopher Sutton and his team at Musical U announced a Musical Superlearning course, I was intrigued. After all, promises like this don’t go unnoticed: “10x faster results.” “No more boredom or frustration, ever.” “Break through any sticking point, speed limit or plateau in your progress.” The course featured Gregg Goodhart (a.k.a. “The Learning Coach”), […]
Calling All Lego Lovers!
And that includes pretty much everyone who has ever been a child, right? Wouldn’t you love to have a Lego set specifically designed so you and/or your students could construct their own symphony orchestra? If so, check out this product idea submitted to Lego by Daniel Smith: It’s quick and easy to create an account […]
Group Piano Class Goes Virtual!
Now that we’re about a month into our stay-home order around here, necessitating virtual rather than in-person piano lessons, I decided to give our monthly group class a try using a Zoom meeting. It went surprisingly well and was a fun time! We started with a game of rhythmic dictation where I played a 4-beat […]
Fearless Arranging: Teaching Younger Students to Arrange – A Guest Post by Doug Hanvey
A Note from Natalie: I periodically incorporate composition into my piano lessons, but I frequently forget about the value of arranging, especially for young students. Doug offers some wonderful and practical suggestions that you and your students can try right away! Teaching arranging to young piano players is an effective and fun way to stimulate […]