Even though I have several variations for our Piano ExpeditionsWelcome to Piano Camp song, the students never tire of our basic version where we greet each one and then give them a chance to play a rhythm pattern on the instrument of the day. I love using this opening activity to focus the students’ attention, […]
Piano Camp Day Two – To London with Handel and His Messiah
Our second day of piano camp arrived, and with it 8 pairs of little feet scurrying to the studio ready for another adventure! One of the moms told me that she asked her boys yesterday what they thought (this was their first piano camp to attend), and her older one exclaimed, “It was much better […]
Piano Camp Day One – To London with Handel and His Messiah
It’s one of our favorite weeks of the year – piano camp! We are continuing with our Piano Expeditions themes, this year To London with Handel and His Messiah. Here are a few highlights from our first day: Day One supplies are ready to go! We’ll be using several of the new printable full-sized piano […]
New Piano Practice Incentive Theme is On Sale!
We have wrapped up a delightful year of aquarium adventures with this year’s practice incentive theme: The Aquarium Caper. The students have had fun swimming through the aquarium on the studio wall in search of creatures to fill the aquariums in their assignment books. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas for your studio for […]
How to Teach Intermediate Piano Repertoire
Thanks to a recent mention from Amy at Piano Pantry I discovered that Janna Williamson, an intermediate piano repertoire guru, has a whole YouTube channel full of teaching videos for specific intermediate piano repertoire. What a treasure trove! I’ve already seen one of her videos for a Haydn Sonata that one of my students was […]
Piano Camp Workbooks are Here!
Summer is just around the corner and we are gearing up for our third year of Piano Expeditions. This year we’ll be traveling To London with Handel and His Messiah. I’m thrilled with how the workbooks turned out; the students always love having their own workbook to learn from and as a memento from the […]