Several of you have asked about the Media Release Form that I use in my studio. I just wrote it up based on what seemed necessary for my situation, so it would be best to get legal counsel as you develop a form that meets your studio needs. Here’s what I came up with, though: […]
Composer Study Resources Galore!
If you’re familiar with different homeschooling methods, you’ll recognize the name Charlotte Mason. This Composer Study is specifically geared toward those looking to incorporate a study of composers into this method of homeschooling, however the information and resource lists and links are fabulous! If you are looking for helpful and practical ideas for doing a […]
Christmas Recital Tomorrow!
After many weeks of anticipation and many hours of work, the moment is just about here! Our annual studio Christmas recital is tomorrow evening. Our theme is A Collaborative Christmas: Proclaiming together the greatness of God! And remember, you’re all invited to attend! Just go to the Christmas Recital 2010 Ustream channel and you can […]
Review and Giveaway of Reflections CD by Sandy Skinner
I remember growing up listening to church pianists improvise the old hymns and wishing that I knew how to add in all those extra notes like they did. 🙂 That’s what the new CD, “Reflections” by Sandy Skinner reminds me of. In a world that is ever bustling with activity, it’s nice to still be […]
Monday Mailbag – Students Performing Without Teacher Knowledge
At a student’s lesson last week, he mentioned that he had performed a few pieces over the weekend for the public. I tried in my calmest, most interested (because I definitely was) tone to inquire as to the nature of the performance, who was there, WHAT did he play?!!! I’d really love to hear some […]
My New Piano!
One of my goals this year was to purchase a new piano for my studio. I’m happy to report that this goal has been achieved! (We won’t discuss the rest of my goals for this year, though, ok? :-)) I actually made the purchase at the end of summer, but forgot to fill you all […]