Our much-anticipated kickoff for the year, September Surprise!, launched us into a new year of piano lessons with lively interaction and surprising performances! We began the evening with a fun get-to-know you game where I compiled a list of interesting facts – one for each student and parent – and the families had to work […]
New in the Studio This Fall – Trio Class
This is an idea that has been percolating in my mind for a while, and I’m so excited to launch it this fall! In light of the realization that many of my students identify group classes as one of their favorite aspects of taking piano lessons and also knowing that many children thrive in the […]
My Debut on the Piano Pantry Podcast
I knew Amy was a go-getter the first time I received an email from her 12 years ago. Truth be told, I had to do a little recon to make sure she was actually legit since she was so enthusiastic in her writing and was inviting me to join her for a hot air balloon […]
New in the Studio this Fall – HomePod Minis
My husband snagged a great deal on a set of Amazon Alexa Echo products, so I eagerly unpacked the box and started setting them up for use in the studio. The idea was to stream mp3 accompaniments from my laptop or phone to multiple devices around the room to create a surround sound effect, especially […]
New in the Studio This Fall – Keyboard Stand
In just a couple of days we will be holding our annual September Surprise! kickoff for the year. This tradition began over 15 years ago with two primary purposes: 1. to encourage students to spend time at the piano during their summer break 2. to announce the new practice incentive theme for the year. I […]
New Advanced Piano Solo Available!
After being stuck for several years on how to end it, I finally had a burst of inspiration this spring and was able to complete a piano arrangement of a medley of two beautiful and meaningful hymns: Jesus Paid it All and Wondrous Love. Once the arrangement was done, the next order of business was […]