It’s not fully developed yet, but you will definitely want to bookmark this new Beginner Piano Repertoire Search Engine that is a work in progress. The site has the capability to search for repertoire based on a variety of criteria. It’s similar to Kathy Rabago’s 20th Century Intermediate Piano Repertoire Database. I am really excited […]
When the Lights Go Out…
…It’s Time for Three! Have you heard of these guys? They are an incredibly talented threesome who got their big debut in the midst of a lightning storm. You’ll have to read about it on the Time for Three website for the full story! The spring Young People’s Concerts were bumped up a little earlier […]
Trying A New Approach to Sight-Reading
At a local music teachers association meeting several months ago, one of the other teachers brought a book called, Joining the Dots: A Fresh Approach to Piano Sight-Reading by Alan Bullard. I was immediately intrigued and ended up ordering the whole 5 volume set so that I could begin experimenting with some of my students! […]
Review and Giveaway of Compositions by Lisa Donovan Lukas
Close your eyes, sit back in a comfy chair, and imagine a beautiful interlacing of impressionistic and contemporary harmonies drifting from piano music that might provide the soundtrack for your favorite tear-inducing drama. Now you can skip the imagination part and let this video fill in the music for you: Goodnight, Sweet Dreams is one […]
Monday Mailbag – Group Class Assignments
I’ve never done group lessons before, but I’d really like to try one. When you do a group lesson, what do you do about students’ individual assignments/songs they’ve learned the week before? And what do you assign them for the next week? Or do you think of group lessons totally differently than individual lessons? In my studio, […]
And the Winner Is…
#14 – Jeannie Congratulations, Jeannie! You will receive the 8-hour compilation of music put together by Michael Griffin. I’ve sent you an e-mail with information about how to claim your giveaway! Also, for anyone else interested in purchasing a copy of the compilation, Michael Griffin is offering it to Music Matters Blog readers with a […]