#3 – Betsy! Congratulations! You will be the recipient of the book Red by Dror Perl. And for everyone who didn’t win but wants to give the book a try, Music Matters Blog readers can order their own copy for 50% off until next Thursday. Just sign in on the bottom left corner of the […]
Teaching Tips from Snowboard School: Part Five – Provide Ample Time for Individual Practice
Even though our snowboard class consisted of eight people, I was impressed at how effectively our instructor gave us personal attention. However, while he observed and critiqued each of us individually, he also gave enough instruction to the group as a whole so that each person could keep working at his or her own pace […]
This Quote Should Be on Every Wall in My Studio…
“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse.” I’m still pondering the results of the Practice Survey I conducted in my studio last week. It’s interesting to see how many of my students selected the option, “I am too busy; my schedule doesn’t allow time for […]
Check Out the New Music Theory Teaching Tips Videos from Ultimate Music Theory
The ever-energetic Glory St. Germain, of Ultimate Music Theory, has just started posting a series of Music Theory Teaching Tips videos. Check out this first one on how to teach landmark notes on the staff to your students: I don’t know about you, but I’ve never thought to approach note identification like this. I think […]
Monday Mailbag – Making Custom Student Worksheets
What program do you use to create your worksheets and publications? It may shock (or horrify!) some of you better designer-types to know this, but I create almost all of my worksheets and practice incentive materials in Microsoft Word. I’ve discovered that with the use of tables, you can accomplish just about anything in Word. […]
Join Us for a Get-Together at the MTNA Conference in New York City!
Can you believe the much-anticipated MTNA Conference in New York City is just two weeks away?! Thanks to MTNA for waiving my registration fee, I’ll be live-blogging the conference again this year. You’ll be able to get up-to-the-minute updates, photos, and session notes on conference happenings throughout the week. If you’re attending the conference and […]