Subtitled, “The Relationship Between Healthful Technique & Compelling Artistry” Barbara Lister-Sink’s workshop promised to be insightful to the large collection of teachers gathered to participate in the session. Barbara’s long journey into healthful playing began with a personal injury. First and foremost, she is a performer and a musician. But she is into the long […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Monday Morning – Keynote Address with Benjamin Zander
This is one of the sessions I’ve been most looking forward to, thanks to my student Luke who first introduced me to some of Mr. Zander’s insightful presentations via some YouTube video clips. Despite an incredibly impressive list of credentials Mr. Zander quickly grabbed the attention of the audience by walking around the room, pointing […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Monday Morning – Energizing Your Students’ Musical Adventures with Randall and Nancy Faber
Randall Faber greeted the early morning audience by asking us to imagine that we are sitting in our home studios getting ready to teach the fourth student of the day. There are four more after him. It sounds wearying already. Because for us it is like the 4,000th lesson. But there is value in routine. […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Sunday Afternoon – A Natural History of the Piano from Mozart to Jazz and Everything In Between with Stuart Isacoff
Gail Berenson, past president of MTNA welcomed attendees and introduced author, Stuart Isacoff. Stuart began his presentation on A Natural History of the Piano: The Instrument, the Music, the Musicians – from Mozart to Modern Jazz and Everything in Between. His goal in conducting this research and writing the book was to look for common […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Sunday Afternoon – FJH Exhibitor Showcase – Succeeding at the Piano: Taking Success to the Next Level with Helen Marlais
Time for another showcase! I got delayed in the Exhibit Hall (trying to redeem all those special offers!), so I got to this session a little late. But the energetic Helen Marlais is always a fun presenter. She’s giving an overview of the newest levels of her piano method, Succeeding at the Piano, 2B and […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Sunday Afternoon – Exhibit Hall
As anyone who’s been to a national conference will tell you, one of the highlights of the experience is the extensive Exhibitor Hall! MTNA prints a coupon book that contains special offers from many of the exhibitors. This is a great way to pick up catalogs, teaching goodies, and lots of free books and sheet […]