MTNA President Benjamin Caton introduced today’s masterclass teacher by saying, “I feel like I’m on hallowed ground with the master behind me.” The comment was followed by a hearty applause. The first order of business was to present Menahem Pressler with the MTNA Achievement Award for 2012. A very small excerpt of the first performance: […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Tuesday Morning – Hal Leonard Showcase: Cutting Edge Releases for Your 21st Century Studio
Hal Leonard is definitely one of the savviest companies I’ve seen! They have showcase sessions at every available time slot and for every showcase you attend, you get your name entered in a drawing for a brand new iPad 3! The drawing will be held at this afternoon’s showcase. Jennifer Linn, a favorite Hal Leonard […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Monday Afternoon – The Inclusion of Students With Disabilities in the Music Studio with Beth Bauer and Scott Price
It used to be that if a family had a child with a disability, especially a mental disability, it was shameful and they were hidden away. Thankfully, that is no longer the case! Students who may not be able to be successful in sports or academics or even dance might have the capacity to do […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Ultimate Music Theory Showcase with Glory St. Germain
After discovering and posting about Glory’s music theory videos a couple weeks ago, I was excited to see catch up with her again at their exhibitor booth and attend her workshop this afternoon. Glory is an energetic and passionate educator and a great communicator. She has an amazing way of explaining theory concepts in a […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Monday Afternoon – Willis Showcase: Recital Repertoire for Rave Reviews
Up and coming composer, Naoko Ikeda, began the Willis presentation, sharing a little bit of her background and the inspiration of William Gillock in her own life as a pianist. In reference to her compositions she says, “When I compose I always consider the educational benefits of the piece.” Each attendee received a complimentary copy […]
2012 MTNA Conference – Lunchtime!
The most important part of the day! haha! It’s fun to gather with other teachers and spend time visiting while munching on lunch (in my case, a smashed PB&J sandwich :-)). I’m also enjoying hanging out with Joy, of the fabulous Color in My Piano blog! We’re attending the next several sessions together.