One of the quotes from The Creative Life conference that gave me lots of food for thought was one by Michael Card, “You can’t say everything all the time.” The more I pondered this, the more I realized how much I try to do this as a teacher. I want so much to equip my […]
Spotify – The Best New Online Teaching Resource Since YouTube!
What do you get when you merge the instant accessibility of YouTube with the interface of iTunes with the music library of the whole internet? Spotify! I had heard rumblings about Spotify for a while, but recently decided to check it out. I kid you not when I say this has now become my personal […]
Review and Giveaway of Beethoven Who – Family Fun with Music!
From the colorful, eye-catching artwork on the cover to the extensive index at the back, Marcia Washburn has put together a fun and practical resource that is great for parents and teachers alike – Beethoven Who?! This 334 page ebook covers everything from why children should learn music, to an overview of different styles of […]
174 Pages of Free Printable Music Theory Pages!
Looking for a quick pentascale sheet you can print off for a student? Or perhaps a handy reference of 7th chords with all their inversions? Or maybe some chord progressions to help a student visualize the chord voicing better? Well, guess what? You will get all that and more in the hot-off-the-press Music Motivation Checklist […]
Free Music Staff Paper with Keyboard and Circle of 5ths
In preparation for teaching this fall, I’ve been working on some new resources to put in our custom assignment books and just to have available to use with my students. I decided to put music staff paper on the back of each week’s assignment page, but I also wanted to have a picture of a […]
Monday Mailbag – 4 Tips for Teaching Students How to Practice
[It’s back! After taking a break over the summer, I have an incredible backlog of questions in my inbox so I’m excited to resume the Monday Mailbag feature here on Music Matters Blog. I always love hearing from other teachers with both thought-provoking questions and helpful answers. Many teachers send questions with the hope of […]