Here’s a brief highlight video from our Piano Expeditions piano camp week of To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons: Video created with the Splice app. Soundtrack created with AIVA. The full downloadable piano camp package is now available in the Music Matters Blog store as well!
Piano Camp Day 5 – To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons
We wrapped up our final day of piano camp, To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons today. It sure has been a blast! Here are a few highlights: On Day 5 we love using a quiz game to see what the students remember from the week. Several of the students who have attended piano […]
Piano Camp Day 4 – To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons
Day 4 of piano camp has come and gone. Hard to believe we only have one day remaining. Here are a few highlights from today: Using the light-up drumsticks is always a favorite for students during our Welcome to Piano Camp song! Each student had their own mini whiteboard and dry erase marker with eraser […]
Piano Camp Day 3 – To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons
My fabulous assistant, Stephanie, without whom I could not do these piano camps. She is kind and intuitive, knowing just when and where to jump in and help. Such a blessing! I sure love seeing the older and younger students connect and become buddies during piano camp week. Our game of “Vivaldi Says” kept the […]
Piano Camp Day 2 – To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons
It was a hot July day here in Kansas for our second day of piano camp: To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons. But that didn’t temper any of the energy of this enthusiastic little bunch! Here are just a handful of highlights we capture today: They all look so calm and attentive, don’t […]
Piano Camp Day 1 – To Italy with Vivaldi and His Four Seasons
I was reminded this morning why piano camp week is one of my favorite weeks of the summer! So. Much. Fun. to have these eager young students here in the studio learning about music together. Initially Piano Expeditions was created as a preschool age piano camp curriculum, but now that we’re in our fourth year, […]