Music Matters Blog officially launched in September of 2005 with the following post:
Welcome to Music Matters Blog!
After many hours of work, I am excited to launch what I hope and anticipate will be a valuable and oft-visited site for all music teachers. For those of you unfamiliar with what a blog is or how the blogosphere works, I highly recommend the book, BLOG by Hugh Hewitt
. In an upcoming post, I plan to write in more detail about how you, too, can begin your own blog. There are a number of options available, so I’ll attempt to give you an overview so you can get started blogging for yourself!
One of the highlights of a blog is the ability to facilitate dialogue between the writers and the readers. A comments section will be included on each post and I would love to have your feedback and participation in the topics discussed on Music Matters Blog.
There are several reasons why I was compelled to embark on this rather extensive project:
1. In my involvement with music teachers in my area, I found that many of them would like to be able to perform more computer-related tasks but have a very difficult time finding the resources to assist them in this process. I plan to include many ideas and practical how-tos so that teachers can learn to design and produce their own recital programs, business cards, studio newsletters, assignment book pages and more.
2. While there are a number of music and teaching-related sites with helpful information and ideas, I have found it at times to be overwhelming to try to wade through everything and find that often, though I’ve spent many hours on-line, I have little to show for my time investment. I want Music Matters Blog to be a place where teachers can come daily to learn more about a specific product or resource, quickly find it, and be able to utilize it immediately and effectively in their studios.
3. I hope that many creative, committed, and experienced teachers will contribute to the topics on Music Matters Blog so that we can all learn from each other and be inspired to grow musically and strive to be better teachers for the many students we impact every day.
Feel free to leave me a comment if you stop by so we can get things off to a great start! If you have your own blog or website, be sure to e-mail me the link so I can feature it in upcoming posts. I have a bunch of ideas for posts, but feel free to e-mail me your suggestions for future topics.
Enjoy your visit!
It’s been over six years now since that post, but Music Matters Blog remains committed to the same objectives. It’s been exciting to experience the incredible growth of the online music education community, and I consider myself blessed to be part of one of the most creative, generous, and supportive groups of professional colleagues there is!
You can find out more by checking out the following interviews that feature Music Matters Blog: