My fabulous assistant, Stephanie, without whom I could not do these piano camps. She is kind and intuitive, knowing just when and where to jump in and help. Such a blessing!

I sure love seeing the older and younger students connect and become buddies during piano camp week.

Our game of “Vivaldi Says” kept the kids’ attention and it was almost impossible to trick them into following the directive without the requisite introductory remark.

After filling two tubs with thousands of pieces of scrap paper (thanks to the help of two of my students that I hired last weekend to help me complete the arduous task!), I was afraid our final game of the day, “The Hunt” would be too hard. But these persistent kiddos came through and successfully retrieved all five cards with the notes of the a-minor pentascale. Well worth the mess!
Thus the conclusion of another adventure-filled day of piano camp!
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