Grab your tickets and get ready to travel because this summer our Piano Expeditions Piano Camp is off to experience the wonders of Italy!
Our summer piano camps have been a highlight in the studio for many years, and for the last several years the Piano Expeditions programs in particular have been a fabulous way to introduce new students to the wild and wonderful world of music. In fact, four of my current students started out as piano camp students!
Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is such a beloved work with energetic and memorable tunes, so I’m thrilled to use it as the theme for this year’s piano camp. Plus, since there are only four seasons, but I plan for five days of piano camp, there’s an extra special surprise thrown in for Day Five. But it’s a secret for now! Stay tuned for more news and the official release of the full piano camp curriculum this summer! In the meantime, feel free to check out To France with Saint-Saëns and His Carnival, To Russia with Mussorgsky and His Exhibition, or To London with Handel and His Messiah if you’re looking for some fun piano camp ideas for your studio for this summer!
Myra W Sellers says
Good afternoon Natalie,
I am so excited to find out more about the new Piano Expeditions program to Italy. Will this program again be for 4-7 year olds?
I hope to continue to offer these programs to my students and community members.
I look forward to hearing more about the Vivaldi and Italy Piano Expeditions.
natalie says
That’s a great question, Myra! I’ve had several students in my Piano Expeditions camp that have continued even after they’ve “aged out,” so I’ve had students up to the age of 11 still participating! But yes, generally the recommended age is 4-7.