One of my studio go-to’s for an easy, educational game for group classes is Team Rhythm Dictation.
The students are split into two teams and are given a set of individual rhythmic note cards to use. (Click here to download a free set of individual note cards to use in your studio.) The barlines are made from some scraps of black foam board.
I indicate what the time signature is and then play a two-measure rhythm pattern on the piano. The students are encouraged to tap and count along, then see if they can place the correct note cards to replicate the rhythm that I played. Typically, I will play the rhythm 3-4 times, but after several patterns, the students were catching on quickly and often getting the dictation after only one or two plays!
Corey Colmey says
This Is a wonderful idea and it’s teachers like you that the world needs more of. Best to you and your practices.
Diana says
I did a variation of this in my group lessons this week and everyone enjoyed it! It was helpful to me too as I saw gaps in students, even in more advanced students. I had students work in pairs or groups (depending on group size) and one group made up the rhythm (2-4 measures) and then played it on the piano while the other group tried to get it correct with their note cards. The playing group found out how important being accurate was, and learned some things about note values. Thanks for the idea!
natalie says
Diana, that’s a great idea to have one group/pair come up with the rhythms. I’m going to try that next time!