2012 marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most tragic, but unforgettable events in history: the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The heart-wrenching story of the demise of one the grandest ocean-liner of its time has captured the imaginations of people for decades. Many have been inspired by the valiant sacrifice of the men on board, and thousands watched in fascination when its watery grave was discovered in 1986. Now, nearly 100 years after the fateful day, Rebekah Maxner has published a collection of books to keep the memory of the Titanic alive in the minds and hearts of pianists everywhere.
Titanic: A Voyage in Piano Music is available as both an elementary level piano book with optional duets and an intermediate level piano solo book. Each volume includes nine repertoire selections that “recount the tale of the Titanic’s one and only voyage: original music that captures the mood of the day, numbers that were performed for passengers by the hired White Star Line musicians, popular music that would have been played by Third Class passengers who had their own instruments, and music that was bravely played as the ship was sinking.”
As if this weren’t enough by itself, Rebekah has also included a variety of black and white photos from the Titanic and its passengers, and a paragraph of historical notes for each repertoire selection. The books are truly beautiful and will be loved by pianists everywhere!
Now…the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Rebekah has kindly offered to giveaway two copies of these Titanic books to two Music Matters Blog reader. Just leave a comment below to be entered in a drawing to win one of these books for yourself or a special student! The giveaway will end at noon (CST) on Thursday, October 13, and the winner will be drawn using a random number generator.
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