The method that I usually revert to in situations like this is the Accelerated Piano Adventures for the Older Beginner by Nancy and Randall Faber. I’ve tried several adult methods, but neither my students nor I care for them very much. Much of the music in this accelerated series is the same as that in the regular series, so the students enjoy learning and playing it.
Depending on the student, I always try to have additional supplemental music for them to be working on that challenges them a bit more and capitalizes on other areas of musical strength. For some, this means giving them an Any Song assignment each week. For others, this means I teach them a piece by rote that is too hard for them to read, but is well within their playing ability (the student in the video on the above link loves learning pieces by rote and I’m currently teaching him Schubert’s Moment Musical this way!). And for some students, this may mean letting them painstakingly work through a printed piece of music that they really want to learn, focusing on a little bit at a time until they can play the whole thing.
The goal is for the student to eventually bring their music reading skills up to par with their playing skills, but while we work toward this end, incorporating some of these other learning approaches enables them to play music that they love!
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